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European Union Information Center   EUIC

European Union Information Center   EUIC

at the Faculty of International Relations of the National Aviation University.

EU Information Centers are established by the European Commission to promote education and research on European integration. These institutions offer information about the history of its origin and  the principles of the European Union, common achievements of the Member States, current issues and future strategy of the European Community. The first EU Information Center was established in 1963. Today  there are  more than 600 centers in the world, which are opened  mainly at universities, national libraries and research centers.

European Union Information Centers receive information from the official institutions of the European Union, European Commission, European Council, Eurostat, the Committee on Social Policy, the Committee of the Regions, the European Investment Bank and other official bodies. The centers have a wide variety of publications, periodicals, magazines EU statistical compilations about European economics and law, and other materials related to the activities of the EU. These  materials are in a free access for public.

The main objectives of the European Union Information Centers   in Ukraine are:

dissemination of information on the European Union and its policies;

promotion of the development and expansion of relations between Ukraine and the EU;

informing students about the EU programs and activities ;

assistance in  preparation of scientific and research work on European integration;

promotion of  students’ participation in activities and debates on EU activities.


 In the EU Information Center are available free of charge:

comprehensive and structured information on the activities of the EU;

collections of  basic  official documents  published and distributed by the EU;

information about the projects and programs;

information about potential partners from the EU – to promote international cooperation;

novelty literature and periodicals;

information coming from the network of information centers in other countries and from partner organizations;

analysis, statistics, topical reviews;

bibliographic and information services.



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